Friday, September 25, 2009

Hole to feed

Cada que oía una canción de Depeche Mode solía decir en voz alta: "Dave, ven a Colombia". Ahora que falta tan poco para que eso suceda, ya no se que decir.

Hoy el grupo de mis desvelos, que empecé a ver con atención desde el "Ultra", me dejaron sin aliento con el "Playing the angel" y me tienen a la expectativa de los "Sounds of the Universe", publicó el video de su nuevo lanzamiento. Yo quedé con las ganas de recrearlo en su versión chibchombiana...

Depeche Mode "Hole To Feed" from Eric Wareheim on Vimeo.

Aquí les dejo la letra, como siempre, a mi me suena a poesía.

Depeche Mode - Hole to feed.

We are here, we can love
We share something
I’m sure that you’ll mean the world to me
When you get, what you need
It’s no way of knowing
What you get is another hole to feed

Your name was the one that was always chosen
Your words and the kindness that set me free
Words can leave you broken inside
You’ll have to decide
I’m hanging onto my pride

We are here, we can love
We share something
I’m sure that you’ll mean the world to me
The shame as a hole that has kept us frozen
You open my eyes to the world I could believe

This world has left me broken inside
I’ll have to decide
I’m hanging onto my pride
Words can leave you broken inside
You’ll have to decide
I’m hanging onto my pride

We are here

This world can leave you broken inside
I’ll have to decide
I’m hanging onto my pride

We are here, we can love
We share something
I’m sure that you’ll mean the world to me
The shame as a hole that has kept us frozen
You open my eyes to the world I could believe

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